National Library of Medicine
The place to begin with medical questions. It contains news, information, research resources, and links covering all medical fields, updated daily for healthcare professionals and the general public. Resources on this site include:
◾Medline Plus: designed for the public, the website feature contains a medical dictionary (Merriam-Webster) an extensive illustrated medical encyclopedia, detailed information on prescriptions, and over-the-counter medications. It also includes directories of medical professionals and facilities. The Health Topic section (nearly 700 articles) provide basic information on medical conditions and provides links to additional sources of reliable information outside the library. There are also tutorials (over 160) describing medical conditions and proceudres, as well as a large library of surgery videos.
◾PubMed: This section of the site is a searchable database of over 1.5 million citations to biomedical journal articles and books in all languages dating back to the 1950's. Complete bibliographic information is given for locating each article and often links are provided that will enable you to retrieve the full text and any related resources.
◾NIH Senior Health: This section of the Medline Plus site is designed especially for older adults. The information given is presented in a simplified manner so that it can be used by the elderly directly, and is especially good for patient education.